Como Se Traduce En Espanol Assisted Psychodelic Therapy
Summary: The article discusses the importance of providing high-quality psychotherapy in counseling and mental health services. It also mentions the benefits of animal-assisted therapy and matching techniques with counseling theories. It profiles licensed psychotherapists and their work in private practice and at various institutions. Additionally, it references resources for suicide prevention and the use of new age therapy versus traditional psychotherapy. It also discusses optimizing rules and planning for healthcare in sports. The benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy and child-parent psychotherapy are also mentioned, as well as the treatment for individuals at risk of suicide.
El término "assisted psychedelic therapy" se traduce al español como "terapia psicodélica asistida". Este tipo de terapia implica el uso controlado de sustancias psicodélicas con el acompañamiento de terapeutas capacitados para ayudar a los pacientes a explorar sus experiencias de manera terapéutica.
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