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The book "The Culture Cycle" by James L. Heskett explores the impact of culture on organizational performance. Through field research and case studies, Heskett demonstrates that an effective culture can account for up to half of the difference in performance between companies. He explains how culture evolves, can be shaped and sustained, and even serve as an organization's "internal brand". However, Heskett also highlights the importance of nurturing a culture, as it can both help and hinder a company's performance. The book introduces a powerful framework for managing culture, showcasing its substantial and quantifiable contribution to performance.

When training personnel to work effectively with subcultures of an organization around the globe, particularly in diverse locations with talent of all ethnic and religious backgrounds, several key factors must be considered based on "The Culture Cycle" by James Heskett and additional insights.

  1. Cultural Intelligence and Sensitivity: It's crucial to train individuals to develop cultural intelligence and sensitivity. Understanding and respecting various cultural norms, values, and communication styles is vital for effective interaction. This means being aware of different concepts of time, hierarchy, and decision-making, which can vary greatly across cultures.

  2. Effective Communication and Relationship Building: Training should focus on the nuances of effective cross-cultural communication, emphasizing active listening, empathy, and adaptability. Encouraging open dialogue and relationship-building exercises can help bridge cultural gaps and create an inclusive environment.

  3. Adaptability and Flexibility: Emphasizing adaptability and flexibility in approaches to work and problem-solving is essential. Different cultures may have vastly different business practices and decision-making processes. Training should equip individuals to navigate these differences and adapt to diverse working styles.

  4. Conflict Resolution and Respect for Differences: Addressing potential challenges related to cultural misunderstandings or conflicts is crucial. Providing strategies for resolving conflicts and promoting mutual respect for diverse perspectives is essential for maintaining a harmonious work environment.

  5. Respect for Local Laws and Regulations: Training should cover the importance of understanding and respecting local laws, regulations, and customs to ensure compliance and respectful engagement with global cultures.

For example, Heskett's work emphasizes the significant impact that culture can have on performance within an organization. By training individuals to understand the influence of culture on values, behaviors, and decision-making, organizations can effectively navigate diverse global cultures and leverage their strengths while managing potential challenges.

In conclusion, by addressing these factors in training, individuals can develop the necessary skills and mindset to effectively work with individuals and companies of different global cultures. This approach aligns with Heskett's insights and the broader understanding of cultural influences on organizational performance.

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