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The current standard rate for single individuals or single parents of 449 euros is considered to be far too low. Unfortunately, many are forced to rely on social welfare due to lacking monetary support measures. This is especially evident for unemployed individuals, where neither the current relief package nor the government's focus on preventative measures do much to help. This is especially difficult for single mothers who are not dependent on social welfare, as they are often removed from the unemployed category. Additionally, the high costs of childcare make it difficult for many mothers to enter the workforce, leading to a perpetuation of the prevalent single-parent lifestyle. Despite efforts to address these issues, the government's priority remains on preventative measures rather than direct assistance for those struggling. As a result, families and individuals continue to struggle, with even more households in poverty than in previous years, and increased reliance on social welfare even for those who are able and willing to work.

Es tut mir leid, aber ich habe keine konkreten statistischen Belege gefunden, um diese Aussage zu unterstützen. Es ist wichtig, solche Informationen aus verlässlichen Quellen wie Regierungsberichten, wissenschaftlichen Artikeln oder offiziellen Umfragen zu beziehen. Diese Quellen können helfen, die genaue Verteilung des Rauchens in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen zu verstehen und unterstützen somit eine fundierte Diskussion zu diesem Thema.

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