Biotic Factors On Sandy Beaches
In the ecosystem of a Sandy Beach, there are both biotic and abiotic factors that influence recruit abundance. These factors include beach gradient, adult and juvenile mortality, and beach sediment. Sandy beaches are home to a variety of organisms including mammals, meio-fauna, macro-fauna, and insects. The abiotic factors of this ecosystem include sand, water, wind, waves, the sun, and rocks. The beach sediment, along with physical processes such as wave action, erosion, and sand accretion, has a significant impact on the organisms that inhabit sandy beaches. Biotic factors, although not as influential as abiotic factors, also play a role in shaping the ecosystem. This makes sandy shores a diverse and dynamic habitat for a variety of invertebrate taxa.
The biotic factors on sandy beaches include:
- Mammals
- Meio-fauna
- Macro-fauna
- Insects
These organisms, along with the abiotic factors, contribute to the formation of a diverse and dynamic habitat on sandy beaches.
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