Based On The Article "over 200 Unplanned Er Closures In

The acting Ontario Auditor General's new report reveals over 200 unplanned temporary closures of emergency departments in 23 hospitals between July 2022 and June 2023, due to a shortage of doctors. Despite efforts to address the issue, hospitals continue to struggle with shortages of staff. The report highlights the need for better solutions to prevent these closures in the future.

Based on the article "Over 200 unplanned ER closures in rural areas, Ontario’s AG audit finds," a potential PICOT question could be:

"In rural Ontario emergency departments, how does the implementation of contingency staffing plans (I) compared to the absence of such plans (C) affect the rate of unplanned temporary closures (O) within a one-year period (T) among hospitals facing doctor shortages (P)?"

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