Ancient Egypt In The News. Look Online For Recent News

Archaeologists have made multiple new discoveries in Egypt, including human and animal mummies, a sunken temple, and a hidden chamber inside the Pyramid of Khufu. These findings have been announced and made public by various teams of underwater archaeologists, Dutch and Italian researchers, and Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities. Some of the notable sites mentioned include the Saqqara necropolis, Thonis-Heracleion, Giza, and the Mediterranean coast. The discoveries range from 3,200 to 4,500 years old and showcase remarkable treasures and secrets of ancient Egyptian culture.

Archaeologists have made multiple new discoveries in Egypt. These include human and animal mummies, a sunken temple, and a hidden chamber inside the Pyramid of Khufu. These findings are a result of the work of various teams of underwater archaeologists, Dutch and Italian researchers, and Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities. The discoveries have taken place at several notable sites, including the Saqqara necropolis, Thonis-Heracleion, Giza, and the Mediterranean coast. The discoveries range from 3,200 to 4,500 years old, shedding light on the remarkable treasures and secrets of ancient Egyptian culture.

Archaeologists Unearth Oldest Known Gold-Covered Mummy in Egypt ...Egypt unveils new incredible discoveries including two tombs and  gold-covered sarcophagus

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