About Sepsis

Text snippet: Sepsis, the body's life-threatening reaction to infection, can lead to septic shock and multiple organ failure if not promptly treated.

Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening medical emergency that occurs when your body has an extreme response to an infection. This overactive immune response can cause damage to organs and tissues, and without prompt treatment, can lead to death. Common symptoms of sepsis include fever, rapid heart rate, and confusion, and it can quickly progress to septic shock and multiple organ failure. Sepsis can be triggered by a wide variety of infections and injuries and should be treated immediately to prevent serious complications.

Sepsis is a critical medical condition characterized by the body's life-threatening reaction to an infection. This exaggerated immune response can harm organs and tissues. If not promptly treated, sepsis can lead to fatalities. An individual experiencing sepsis may exhibit symptoms such as fever, rapid heart rate, and confusion. Without immediate intervention, sepsis can quickly develop into septic shock and multiple organ failure. The condition can be triggered by various infections and injuries and warrants immediate medical attention to prevent severe complications.

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