A Thermos Contains M1 = 0.77 Kg Of Tea At

The AASCD, an achievement-based assessment aligned with Ohio's Learning Standards, is designed to assess student achievement. Experimental nuclear structure and decay data for all known A=91 nuclides have been compiled and released. A global soil respiration database has been created for contributing data. Monitoring stations were divided into primary, secondary, and test stations. Efficient equipment is defined as an air purifier that meets ENERGY efficiency specifications according to a dissertation from the Department of Chemistry at ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University. The report has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Using the provided values, the final temperature in Kelvin can be calculated using the formula as follows:

((m1 * c * T1) + (m2 * c * T2) - (m2 * Lf)) / ((m1 * c) + (m2 * c))

Substituting the given values: m1 = 0.77 kg T1 = 27°C = 300 K m2 = 0.095 kg T2 = 0°C = 273 K c = 4186 J/(kg⋅K) Lf = 33.5 × 10^4 J/kg

We can substitute these values into the formula to find the final temperature in Kelvin:

((0.77 * 4186 * 300) + (0.095 * 4186 * 273) - (0.095 * 33.5 * 10^4)) / ((0.77 * 4186) + (0.095 * 4186))

Upon calculation, the final temperature in Kelvin is approximately 292.7 K.

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