
When taking a walk under the setting sun, embracing in the twilight, and kissing by the sea, one can experience a kiss filled with deep affection that is hard to resist. Let us continue kissing and love until the end, and together, appreciate the pictures of kisses. The scenes before us depict passionate embraces and heart-pounding moments, as if time has stopped and all that is left is the gaze upon one another. This is the true extent of love! Amongst the black and white images, we see couples in passionate kisses. However, there are also instances of misunderstandings and complications between male and female characters. Especially when it comes to the push and pull of temptation and fear of getting close, the tension is palpable. Today, Little Maru has curated 35 must-read novels about rekindled love, both old and new. In one image from the film "Breaking Dawn," the couple is bathed in the fading light of dusk, Jessie with a serious expression and Celine smiling at him. Where will their love lead them? Will it end like the twilight? This is the enigmatic poster for "The Breaking Dawn," symbolizing the end of the romance. In an attempt to seduce a stranger, a young


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