Сколько Денег Нужно Будет На Обучение В Штатах Школьнику Без

Private high schools are generally more costly, with tuition fees for international students ranging from $10,000 to $35,000 annually. However, even public high schools require international students to pay tuition, which is around $3,000 per year. On top of tuition, the average cost of books and fees is $500 to $1,000 per year. In 2023-2024, the average cost for international students at these schools will be approximately $9,800. Out-of-state students at public colleges can expect to pay an average of $23,630 for tuition, fees, and other expenses. The cost of studying in the USA for international students varies widely, with an average range of $8,000 to $55,000 or more. According to College Board, the published tuition fees for state colleges in the 2018/19 academic year were an average of $10,230 for state residents and $26,290 for non-residents. Tuition fees are a major expense for studying in the USA, with the average cost for international students being around INR.

Обучение в американской школе для международных студентов может варьироваться в цене. В частных школах годовая плата за обучение для международных студентов обычно колеблется от $10,000 до $35,000. Общественные школы также взимают плату за обучение у международных студентов, и она составляет примерно $3,000 в год. Кроме того, на книги и дополнительные расходы необходимо учесть около $500 - $1,000 в год.

Таким образом, с учетом только платы за обучение, вам может понадобиться от $3,000 до $35,000 в год, в зависимости от типа школы, в которую вы планируете поступить.

The Cost of an International School Education in 2020 ...The Real Cost Of Education In The USA (Infographic) | GradePower ...

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