"when I Failed This Assignment That I've Done Twice And

The text discusses the meaning of the word "vengeful" and how it is used in a sentence. It describes vengeful as a feeling or desire to harm someone who has harmed you, and can also be characterized by a vindictive spirit. This term is often associated with the desire for revenge and is often used to describe someone who is cruel or malicious. It also includes synonyms and antonyms for vengeful, and notes that it represents a desire for punishment. The text mentions Hamlet as an example and states that the word "vengeful" is also used in American English. It concludes by providing the definition of vengeful and suggesting that it is a term used to describe someone who is very eager to punish someone who has wronged them.

Thank you for sharing the quotes. I will now rephrase the section incorporating the quotes you provided. Here's the rephrased section integrating the quotes and capturing the sentiments expressed:

"The attrition rate for nursing courses is approximately 24-33% (Hambridge, 2023), (Jones-Berry, 2021), and as up to 50% of third-year students consider leaving (Bakker et al., 2019), the participants of this study were asked if they had considered leaving the course and what motivated them to continue. Some participants had felt that they faced insurmountable barriers to completion, but none stated that they desired to leave or regretted their career choices. One participant (P4) reflected on the impact of failing an assignment twice, expressing concern about graduating with peers, yet resolved not to waste the effort invested: 'Cos I put the hard work in now and I'm not going to, I’m not going to waste it and I am actually good at my job 'cause my family and friends will be like well -but you really good at it don’t just carry on and do it and you know what this band five is going to open up so many doors.'

Another participant (P3) shared a determination rooted in passion and resilience, stating, 'Yeah my passion and ambition to actually be a nurse that's my main one and obviously I considered leaving throughout this whole fitness to practise and fighting this you know whistle blowing situation and just when I got told about the students that had dropped out because of a similar thing and stuff it was like sort of just not wanting to allow them to be able to make me do the same drop out why not not allowing everything that we're going through to be the catalyst in me just not being able to carry on it's about this a bit of a vengeful feeling that I had it was like well no stuff you I'm not gonna let you bully me now I'm not gonna feel like I'm I'm doing the wrong thing and and leave because of something like this like loads of students have left like doing it sort of like you know they don't know I'm doing it for them I feel like I'm doing it like if anything else happens someone else is going through this in future and they know that someone's fought it and being able to carry on with my like sort of help them feel like they can as well, so yeah that that my two reasons I think just I just really want to be a nurse so I don't get me wrong throughout that whole year there were lots of times I've literally had sit add sit and I've been upset and stressed out I’d write the e-mail and I'd nearly clicked send where like I I’m like I want to withdraw from my studies and I’d write this long e-mail out and I'd cc it to loads of people who I needed to CC it to and I'd sit there and I’d stare at it for like two hours and then I'd just delete it all close my laptop and go to bed and carry on.'

Yet another participant (P10) expressed resilience and determination, highlighting the importance of seeing the finish line: 'Because I could see the finish line it was continue on with it you know what I mean?' Additionally, a participant (P5) revealed a moment of doubt and physical struggle during their placement but overcame it, stating, 'Yes again on my first placement when the pain got bad I didn’t think I could do it I just thought, it was just going to watch my body, but then having sorted my hours my academic assessor, seen I could do it as long as they get the compromise there, but other than that moment when I really didn't think physically that could do it other than that, no there has been nothing and once that was sorted and it’s been good ever since.'"

If you would like any further adjustments or have additional information to integrate, please feel free to let me know.

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